Monday, July 1, 2013

Hidden Gems at the Drugstore: Physicians Formula Sexy Booster Sexy Glow Glossy Stain Review

Whew, the title is a mouth full. But seriously you guys, this stuff is the bomb dot com. I never ever hear people talk about these glosses, and I don't know why. If you like bright lip products that don't fade and have a shine, this is the stuff for you. This is what it looks like:

First of all, the packaging is adorable. The little charm shaped like a shoe is super cute. The bottle is compact and super travel friendly. It has a little doe foot applicator that's easy to use. All around, I give the packaging a thumbs up.

The price for this stuff is a little steep. But that's to be expected with Physicians Formula. I've seen it around ten dollars. Rite Aid and CVS are always doing awesome deals, like buy ten dollars, get 6 dollars for next time, or whatever. Check around, and utilize your coupons and sales. Wal Mart is pretty much always cheaper, in my experience.

On to the product. The gloss stains come in two colors: Red (on the left) and Hot Pink (on the right). The red is really bright. As far as the hot pink, I would classify it as more of a fuschia. I have extremely pale skin and I love it on myself. I think this would work for anybody with any skin tone.

When they say "stain," they mean stain. I can wear this all day. Seriously. When you drink out of a straw, you'll see a little transfer, but when you look in the mirror, it will still look perfect. The only time I feel like I need to touch up is after I eat. But honestly, I think I'd be hard pressed to find a product I wear on my lips that stays perfect while I eat. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't expect my lip products to stay that well after a full on meal. I just touch up real quick, and move on. They are very glossy, highly pigmented, and just all around fantastic. The only thing is, it's probably not a a product that allows you to apply one swipe and you're done. I do probably two layers of it on my lips, and it looks great. But for a gloss, that's pretty darn good.

Overall, I love them. Isn't it so satisfying when you find something at the drugstore that just rings your bell?

Hope you're all having a great day!


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