Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jordana 12 Hour Made to Last Eyeshadow Pencils

Hey everybody! Today I've got a review on an awesome product from one of the most inexpensive brands at the drugstore. Jordana has recently (or maybe not so recently...) come out with some eyeshadow pencils that are rocking my makeup world. I haven't seen these on the shelves before now, but maybe I'm just late to the party- it wouldn't be the first time that has happened.

Sorry the pencils are so dirty! They are very creamy, and can get everywhere easily!

Stay-On Black, Eternal White, Pink Evermore, Endless Emerald, Continous Almond

Stay-On Black, Eternal White, Pink Evermore, Endless Emerald, Continous Almond

The pencils are called "12 Hour Made to Last Eyeshadow Pencils" which is pretty fitting for how they perform. They are ultra creamy when you first apply them, and easily blended out. But once they set, they set to a totally budge-proof state. I tried these out without a primer (topped with eyeshadow) and didn't expect much. I have oily lids, and without my beloved Urban Decay Primer Potion, my eyeshadow is a wreck. However, these sticks totally held up throughout my day and were crease-free when I went to take my makeup off at night. They lasted all through my work day, the heat, the sweat, and general day-to-day wear that my eyeshadow goes through. I was amazed. For $3.99, it can't be beat.

I did not try these shadow sticks on their own without eyeshadow on top, so I am not sure what would happen if they were not set with powder. However, to me these are meant to be eyeshadow bases that enhance (or slightly alter, depending on the base color you choose) the color of your shadow. They work fantastically as bases.

As far as color selection goes, I think Jordana nailed it on the head. The only thing I wish they had was MORE! More colors, please! But for what is offered right now, the selection is really great. They have four basic, all matte shades that are amazing. There's a dark black that would be great for smokey eyes, a rich brown (I do not own this one), a matte white (NYX pencil in Milk, you better watch out!), and a very neutral color that would work to cancel out discoloration on the lid if you have a similar skin tone.

As far as colorful shades, they've got a teal (I do not own this one), a purple (I do not own this one either), a sparkly pink, and a beautiful emerald shade. The ones I have are quite beautiful.

Overall, I think my favorites are Continuous Almond and Endless Emerald, because these colors are amazing. I can see Continuous Almond becoming an every day product for me. Endless Emerald is simply beautiful, and with Fall coming up, this shade is perfect.

Have you guys tried these? Do you like them? Let me know!

Much, much love!


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